Dohuk, Iraq
- Harikar is a neutral non-governmental humanitarian organization, which believes that in every aspect of life priority must be given to children and women.
- It commits itself to ensure particular protection for the very disadvantaged children and women, such as children who are born with chronic/abnormal diseases, disabled children, children with extreme poverty, victims of war and widows as well as woman-headed families.
- Harikar assists in the upgrading of health services and promotion of technical cooperation, and, within the available resources, promotes/develops the infrastructure of the basic services. It also looks forward to participate, within its resources, in the process of rebuilding the new Iraq.
- In close coordination with other specialized agencies, Harikar assists in the improvement of nutrition, recreation, economic and other aspects of environmental hygiene.
- Harikar believes that education is a fundamental right and works towards its promotion; in this aspect, it strives towards ensuring basic education for all children irrespective of gender, religion, race and ethnicities.
- Harikar works with all national and international organizations, as well as government bodies, towards the realization of the sustainable human development objectives and contributes towards the achievement of the vision of peace and social progress.

Enhancing protection for vulnerable women and girls among the Syrian refugees from Sexual
Gender Based Violence and Trafficking
- Publish biweekly reports on all sectors of its programs (downloadable on Harikar website)
- Over 20 local nonprofit, international nonprofit and institutional partners
- 14 areas of focus, including child protection, election monitoring, health, gender-based violence, IDPs, and more
To learn more and to donate, visit the Harikar website.