Stories from Kurdistan

Why Friends of Kurdistan Should Vote this November

friends of kurdistan should vote

The  following piece was written by the Kurdistan Regional Government Representative to the U.S.A. Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman.

The United States is one of Kurdistan’s most crucial partners. Over the past two years, an international coalition led by the US has helped train and equip Kurdistan’s Peshmerga soldiers, deliver humanitarian aid to the over 1.8 million Syrians and Iraqis displaced into the Kurdistan Region, and secure financial support when we needed it most.

As the KRG Representative to Washington, I work to ensure that Kurdistan’s relationship with the people and government of the United States is positive and productive. We have built strong relationships with the Administration, the US Congress, American think tanks, the media, and civil society organizations throughout the country.

Relationships, however, are a two-way street. If we are to continue to grow this relationship, the next administration needs to know where Americans stand on Kurdistan. This is a big election year. Not only is there a Presidential race, but the entire House of Representatives and a third of the Senate is up for election.

As American citizens and friends of Kurdistan, it is critical that you tell your representatives what is important to you – in a democracy the best way to do that is to register and vote. An active, engaged electorate helps US policy and lawmakers determine the country’s direction on issues, including foreign policy.

These are pivotal times for Kurdistan. Over the past two years we have been plunged back into war, suffered a cataclysmic crash in oil prices, and seen a 30% increase in our population from displaced people.  A constructive relationship with the US will help us overcome these challenges and determine our future.

Help us advocate for Kurdistan in Washington by registering and voting this election. Visit for more information.

Follow Representative Rahman on Twitter @BayanRahman. Stay updated on the Kurdistan Regional Government.

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